Zakat Calculator
Zakat is an obligatory wealth-purifying donation, making up 2.5% of any amount above the nisab value, and used to assist the poor.
Calculations Based on Gold Nisab of 87.48 Grams
Silver (595g)
Price/g: £1.13
Nisab: £491.87
Gold (87.48g)
Price/g: £77.57
Nisab: £6,318.64
Zakat Summary
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Total Liabilities
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Zakat FAQs
1. What is Zakat?
What is Zakat?
Zakat is an obligatory charity that every sane Muslim must pay on his/her money and property. It is a pillar of Islam.
2. How do I know the amount of Zakat I need to pay?
How do I know the amount of Zakat I need to pay?
You work out how much money you have in e.g. cash, assets or business assets and subtract how much you owe in liabilities/expenses. If the total amount is above the Nisab (threshold) you pay Zakat on it.
3. What is Nisab?
What is Nisab?
Nisab is the minimum amount of wealth a Muslim must possess for one to be eligible to pay Zakat.
4. How do you calculate Nisab?
How do you calculate Nisab?
The Nisab (threshold) is based on gold and silver. The amount was set by the Prophet (PBUH) at the value of 87.48 grams of gold or 612.36 grams of silver, in cash.
5. How do you calculate Nisab?
How do you calculate Nisab?
The Nisab (threshold) is based on gold and silver. The amount was set by the Prophet (PBUH) at the value of 87.48 grams of gold or 612.36 grams of silver, in cash.
6. How much Zakat do I need to pay?
How much Zakat do I need to pay?
Your Zakat amount is 2.5% of your zakat eligible wealth paid once a year.