Our Mission
We’re on a mission to deliver life-saving aid to families in need. We believe that everyone deserves access to life’s basic necessities, including food, water, shelter, medication and education.
Through our UK staff and volunteers, along with our partners on the ground, our efforts go a long way in relieving distress and saving lives, giving our beneficiaries hope for the future.
Here at Mercy Relief, we recognise that disease, suffering and poverty are rife around the world, in countries such as Yemen, Palestine and East-Africa, but we’re prepared to do all we can to better people’s lives forever. There are millions of orphans, widows and the elderly who rely on our support, and we’re on hand to cater to their needs through our vital initiatives and projects.
We believe that everyone deserves access to life’s basic necessities, including food, water, shelter, medication and education. Through our UK staff and volunteers, along with our partners on the ground, the efforts go a long way in relieving distress and saving lives, bringing about a much happier world for the distressed and providing them with hope for the future.
Our Values & Vision
Mercy Relief is an Islamically inclined charity organisation, having been established more than 15 years ago by community members of a very prominent masjid in the UK. Our values stem from the teachings of the prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and the holy Qur’an.
As Muslims, we are taught to care for the orphan and not take away from their rights, we’re taught to look after the widows when they seek our help, we’re commanded to feed the poor and the needy in their hour of need, and we’re reminded of the rewards for all of these actions and ultimately, for saving lives. By making a difference in the lives of the oppressed and needy, we’re following the best of examples, the prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.).
We have a vision to see a world where our fellow needy men, women and children do not have to beg on the streets or go many days without a meal, where the orphans are educated and cared for, where people do not walk hours to access clean water, where nobody is left homeless, living out on the streets, and where everyone has hope for a brighter future ahead, where they can reach their full potential, without having to rely on humanitarian aid for survival.
Our Focus
We work in many countries worldwide focusing on a variety of projects designed to improve quality of life.
In times of war, natural disasters, disease and calamities, the education system is always affected and on some occasions, is at risk of collapse. This leaves millions of children lacking in their progress in life, as their schooling is detrimentally affected. One such country is Yemen, where Mercy Relief sponsors hundreds of kids and provides vital school equipment such as bags, stationery and books. We’re dedicated to making a difference and we believe these children are our hope for the future; not just the future for their respective countries, but also the future for the Muslim ummah at large.
Mercy Relief specialise in responding to emergency disasters having responded and still responding to the Yemen crisis, the Pakistan floods, the East-Africa drought, the Turkiye earthquake, the Morocco earthquake, the Libya floods and also the Palestine war. Our teams are deployed instantly, to provide all that is needed to support those in need; this aid can include food, water, medication, blankets, tents and mattresses. Sadly, we live in a world where emergencies continue to arise, so we try to make sure we’re always in a position to respond immediately, as the most pressing need is always in the first few weeks or months of a disaster.
Every human being deserves access to life’s basic necessity: food. Nearly 1 billion people around the world face hunger and many are food-insecure whilst millions are malnourished. Without access to nutritious meals, people face hunger-related diseases which affect their quality of life. Mercy Relief’s teams are focused across Yemen, Palestine, Morocco, Libya, Turkiye and in East-Africa, on the delivery of vital and lifesaving food supplies. Not only do we provide nutritious hot meals and dry food packs which include essentials for cooking on a day-to-day basis, but we also operate multiple bakeries in Yemen especially, giving tens of thousands of families access to fresh bread every day.
Millions of people in under-developed and developing countries lack access to affordable healthcare in the form of medication and treatments for illness and disease. Many times, basic and treatable illnesses cause long-term complications which are preventable through the provision of medication. Mercy Relief’s teams are on hand providing vital medication, setting up free pharmacies and running free healthcare clinics for people who are displaced and needy, or for those who simply cannot afford it, especially in Yemen where millions live below the poverty line.
There are 150 million orphans around the world. Many are at risk of child labour and exploitation due to their vulnerabilities in society. They face agony and distress, for as long as they’re alive. Mercy Relief’s orphan sponsorship programmes aim to lift these desperate children out of poverty and into a life of hope, optimism and happiness. By having regular access to food, water, clothing, medication and a place they can call home, they are grateful for the opportunity to build their lives and be an asset to their society. We support thousands of orphans in Yemen, who desperately need care, love and support, but are so happy to receive it thanks to our generous donors.
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
In Yemen, East-Africa and Palestine, millions face catastrophic levels of poverty as these regions endures war, suffering and famine. As people and their livestock continue to die of hunger and thirst, immediate delivery of water and sanitation programmes have been paramount. Mercy Relief have teams on the ground and regularly send teams from the UK, especially to East-Africa and Yemen, to oversee the construction of water facilities such as bore-hole wells, and also the delivery of water trucks to villages and areas where many lack the necessary access for survival. Waterborne diseases can be devastating for many families so we will continue to provide clean-drinking water across many regions, which can save lives immediately.
Where We Work
We work in various locations around the world with. mission to deliver life-saving aid to families in need.

Our Work in Yemen
Mercy Relief is proud to be one of the most prominent charities on the ground in Yemen. We’ve been carrying out lifesaving and vital humanitarian projects across dozens of areas in Yemen since 2008. Yemen is a country which has faced extreme difficulties for more than 15 years: war, famine, COVID-19 crisis, economic collapse and disease outbreaks. Currently, there are more than 22 million who rely on aid on a day-to-day basis. The child malnutrition rate here is amongst the highest in the world whilst more than 3 million pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under the age of five are suffering from acute malnutrition. Our projects include the provision of food packs, hot meals, bakeries, clean drinking water, medication, blankets, school supplies and sponsorship campaigns for orphans and school children.

Our Work in Palestine
When the people of Palestine face disaster, Mercy Relief’s teams on the ground respond immediately. For many years, men, women and children have faced agonising pain and have to fight hunger, thirst, displacement, cold and homelessness. In 2023 through to 2024, 2.3 million Palestinians had to endure a conflict which claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people and injured many more. The number of displaced people surpassed 80% of the population and access to life’s basic necessities such as food, water and medication remained very scarce. Thanks to the continuous generosity of our donors, Mercy Relief responded and continues to respond to this calamity by distributing hot meals, food packs, water, warmth and medication.

East Africa
East Africa
Food insecurity is rife across East-Africa and a staggering 7.1 million people are desperately in search of sufficient nourishment for themselves and their children. As a charity focused on disaster response, we’ve always allocated resources to cater to the needs of those calling out for our compassionate efforts to relieve their distress. In Somalia and Kenya, families are dying of hunger due to one of the worst droughts in 40 years. With other calamities around the world, those in Africa have sadly become the forgotten people. At Mercy Relief we keep these families in mind and regularly distribute nourishing food whilst providing easy access to thirst-quenching clean drinking water to those who need this urgent help.

Our Work in Lebanon
Lebanon is a country that has suffered for many years. Their economy collapsed, leaving millions of people struggling to afford basic living; all the while, the country had to deal with an influx of millions of Syrian refugees who escaped war, killing and persecution across the border. These millions of refugees have been living in makeshift camps, solely relying on monthly stipends and lifesaving aid in the form of mainly food and water. The sad reality is that the number of children living in these tents is staggering and many of them lack access to education, forcing them to work from a very young age to earn less than $1 a day, to provide for their families. Mercy Relief recognised this need and have been deployed to Lebanon multiple times a year to deliver crucial aid to those who need it most. Our teams on the ground and our UK teams work hand-in-hand throughout the year to deliver food, water, medication, warmth and hope to countless people in need.

Our Work in Morocco
Morocco was hit by a deadly earthquake of 6.9 magnitude in September 2023, causing the death of nearly 3000 people. Sadly, many remote and poor villages were hit, causing widespread damage and exasperating the suffering of those who were previously forced to rely on humanitarian organisations to provide for them. Our teams who specialise in disaster response were deployed immediately to deliver trucks of food and blankets to cater for the Moroccan people affected by this calamity, including children and the elderly. Due to other disasters and calamities taking precedence around the world, those in Morocco have slowly been forgotten, but Mercy Relief’s teams on the ground have continued to cater to the needs of the beneficiaries who continue to rely on support to ease their pain and suffering.

Our Work in Turkey
On the 6th of February 2023, at 04:17 am, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck southern and central Turkey claiming the lives of more than 50,000 people and displacing millions. This unprecedented disaster sent shockwaves across the region and until today, there are families who are suffering the repercussions, whilst enduring a life of displacement, homelessness, hunger and lack of access to medication, warmth and shelter. Mercy Relief’s teams both on the ground and from the UK responded, providing thousands of families with hot meals, food packs and warmth. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, many beneficiaries were blessed to receive support on multiple occasions, limiting their distress and suffering.